If you're reading this and have yet to spend hours of your life on a little gem of a site called Pinterest, you need to get out from under that rock you've been hiding in and get yourself a Pinterest account right now. I am, like thousands of others, completely addicted to this virtual pinboard full of images just perfect enough to let my never-resting mind go clicking away at endless pictures all night. So go, get going, and you're welcome.
Now I told you that story, to tell you another story about a printmaking project recently completed with my fourth graders. Being my first year, I was a little nervous about creating a printing project. It's a tricky medium, and I wanted a project where every student would have fun and have success with a print. Well I turned to my buddy Pinterest to help me out.
Sure enough this rockin' project from in clutch; http://pinterest.com/pin/93097917266590948/ from the blog laughpaintcreate.blogspot.com - Truly awesome idea.
Sure enough this rockin' project from in clutch; http://pinterest.com/pin/93097917266590948/ from the blog laughpaintcreate.blogspot.com - Truly awesome idea.
Using very basic materials with the foam paper for the print stamp, I had students create "cityscapes". Like all of my projects, I like to leave open what a "cityscape" meant, which is why you see a variation from the realistic to the wacky in their designs. Backgrounds were created using watercolors when we discussed warm vs. cool colors.
Lastly, printmaking opened up some very interactive discussions. I used the following websites to demonstrate and show students how vast the art of printmaking is which they found fascinating.
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